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Harsher Kansas DUI Laws Coming

Well, the sun has finally broken through and it is springtime, which means baseball, fishing and, oh yeah, time to make the Kansas DUI laws harsher. In keeping with their tradition, the legislature is currently in the process of running through a bill that would require that a person convicted of a FIRST TIME DUI in Kansas outift his or her car with an ignition interlock device for a year. A link to the story is here. This will cost around $1,000.00 and require that you blow into it to start your car and that you periodically blow into it WHILE DRIVING. For a couple of years now, ignition interlock devices have been required on second time DUI convictions. I know of one jurisdiction that is requiring that the device be equipped with a video component which will show who blew into the device and is, no doubt, more expensive. This is likely to become the norm. Of course, the bill has not passed yet, so it could get amended or scrapped, or made stricter. I would bet that the legislature will not be able to resist the urge to do something to make the DUI laws more drastic and that this will pass and become law. I hope to be wrong. If not, even first time offenders who have otherwise never done anything wrong in their lives will have to explain to their kids, clients, neighbors and co-workers why they have to blow into a gizmo attached to their steering column every time they want to start their car or keep it running.

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