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Home » The Kansas DUI Blog » Jay Norton Releases New Book: The Art of War for Criminal Defense Attorneys

Jay Norton Releases New Book: The Art of War for Criminal Defense Attorneys

art of warNorton Hare, LLC, attorney Jay Norton recently released another book, “The Art of War for Criminal Defense Lawyers”, which is an application of the principles in Sun Tzu’s ancient classic on the principles of warfare to the defense of a person accused of a crime, whether it be a DUI or other criminal offense.

The Art of War remains a timeless and invaluable text for

anyone engaged in adversarial competition or negotiations.

It should be considered and employed by attorneys charged

with defending citizens accused of crimes to create the mindset

and blueprint for victory. Sun Tzu’s strategies for planning

campaigns, drawing out opponents, and capitalizing on advantages

and opportunities are directly applicable to the realm

of criminal defense. Creativity, patience, control, courage, and

tenacity are all qualities possessed by successful generals on

the field of war and in the courtroom. Practice the Art of War

and your clients and professional reputation will inevitably


The book is available on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/The-Art-Criminal-Defense-Attorney/dp/163385096X for Kindle or paperback.

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