A Missouri DUI Checkpoint in North Kansas City this past weekend netted a total of 2 DUI arrests out of 1,228 vehicles stopped. That is 1 out of every 614 drivers. Here is a link to the story:
So, how long are citizens going to continue to pay the enormous expenses associated with conducting these checklanes? How long will citizens continue to be subjected to long lines of traffic so that they can be subjected to questioning by the police when they have done absolutely nothing wrong? 1,226 innocent people shook down by the police is not acceptable to me. Clearly, more than 2 drunk drivers (assuming those arrested actually were) could have been removed from the streets by normal law enforcement.
The DUI arrest percentage at this checklane was something like 0.2%. Most checklanes average between 1 and 3% of drivers being DUI. Are there any other government programs that are 97% inneffective that we will continue to support month after month, year after year? The numbers just don’t add up.