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Videos Explaining Issues in Kansas DUI Cases

I am going to produce a series of videos discussing some of the issues common to Kansas DUI cases that will supplement the information already available on the website, blog and book. These are not professionally recorded, edited or produced so they won’t be very fancy, but the point is to communicate the information that people need when facing a DUI in Kansas. I hope that they are helpful to you in some way.

AI Transcript:

0:00 Hi, I’m Jay Norton, DUI attorney in Overland Park, Kansas, and I’ve decided to make some videos that will go along with the content on our website, including the book that you can get on there for free that tells you pretty much everything you need to know about DUI cases in Kansas. I know that some people want video 0:22 , they learn better by video, they retain information better by video, so I wanted to offer this in addition to the other information that you can find on our website. 0:33 It is not something with a high production value, I haven’t hired some team, it’s just me and a webcam here talking directly to you, not a lot of razzle dazzle, not a lot of bells and whistles, pretty much this is what you would get if you came into my office to talk to me about a DUI case that you’re facing 0:52 . It’s not really a marketing thing on my behalf, I really just want to get this information to people and I hope that it is as useful as possible for people and hopefully is some help to people in navigating these situations. If you have found this video, then you or somebody that you love is facing a Kansas DUI right now, most likely, and that can be a scary 1:19 time and a daunting situation, and the best thing you can do is get informed and and get some knowledge about what’s going to be important in this case and what you can expect, so that you can make good decisions going forward in handling this matter. 1:35 A little bit about me. I grew up in Olathe, Kansas. I went to the University of Kansas. I went to the University of Kansas Law School. 1:43 I graduated in 1994. I’m recording this in 2024. So it’s been about 30 years that I’ve been practicing law. I pretty much handle nothing but DUI cases. 1:53 I have primarily handled DUI cases my entire career. I’ve never worked for the government as a prosecutor or done anything other than be a criminal defense attorney. 2:03 that handles almost nothing but DUI cases. I handle cases in Johnson, Wyandotte, and Douglas County pretty much exclusively. 2:12 I wrote this book that you can find on the website as a free PDF. It’s something that I wrote to give to clients so that they can be informed as to what to expect in their case and what’s going to be important and hopefully be forewarned and forearmed in their case and you can get that on the website 2:35 . I also wrote this book, which is written for criminal defense attorneys, DUI attorneys in the state of Kansas. I wrote it with a friend of mine, Les Hulnick, who’s an attorney in Wichita and our friend Jim Nesci 2:49 from Tucson, Arizona, who’s one of the nation’s leading experts on breath testing and blood testing. And so this is something that we wrote for DUI attorneys to help them in defending DUI cases in Kansas. 3:03 So I’m hoping that these videos will be of help to you. Again, I handle cases primarily in Johnson County, Douglas County, and Wyandotte County. 3:17 If your case is somewhere else, then you probably want to talk to an attorney in that specific jurisdiction. If your case is in Johnson, Wyandotte, or Douglas County, then my email is jay at nortonhare, which is n-o-r-t-o-n-h-a-r-e dot com. 3:33 And the phone number is 913-906-9633. look forward to providing all this information to you and getting your feedback on it. 3:40 I hope that it is helpful to you or whoever it is that you have in your life that is facing a DUI case.

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