In Kansas, when law enforcement suspects a driver of driving under the influence (DUI), they often seek to obtain a blood sample to measure blood alcohol content (BAC) or detect drugs. While some drivers voluntarily submit to a blood test, others ref
2024 DUI Case Results The following are some of the results Jay Norton obtained for clients in DUI cases in 2024. This list only includes DUI cases and not any of the results obtained in defending other types of cases. Also, this list only includes D
Jay Norton discusses issues related to DUI cases that involve drugs, as opposed to alcohol, including driving under the influence of prescription drugs, drug recognition examinations (DRE) and blood and urine testing for drugs. AI Transcript: 00:00 I
Here is another video, this one discussing the restriction to ignition interlock device that every DUI conviction or administrative suspension in Kansas requires. AI Transcript: 00:00 Hi, I’m Jay Norton, Kansas DUI attorney, and I want to talk
Kansas DUI lawyer Jay Norton discusses the typical timeline in a Kansas DUI case, including how long it takes to get through the administrative driver’s license process and when you might have an issue with your driver’s license, how long
Kansas DUI attorney Jay Norton discusses probation from a jail sentence for a Kansas DUI conviction, what you have to do while on probation, and what happens if you violate probation. AI Transcript: 0:00 I want to talk to you about probation. If you
DUI lawyer Jay Norton discusses diversion of Kansas DUI charges, what disqualifies you from getting diversion, what the program requires and the dismissal of the DUI charge if diversion is successfully completed. AI Transcript: 0:00 I want to talk to