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We See What We Want to See

This disturbing story from Tampa, Florida is typical of the hysteria surrounding DUI cases these days. A man was driving himself to the walk-in doctor’s clinic because he was so ill with pneumonia. On the way there he was stopped by law enforce

DUI Saturation Patrol March 14

The Overland Park , Kansas, Police Department is planning a DUI Saturation Patrol on Friday, March 14, 2008. I guess it is that time of year again. I am sure there will be many checklanes to follow. However, a saturation patrol means that there will

US Incarceration Rate is Highest Ever

According to this New York Times article, more than 1 in every 100 Americans is incarcerated in either a state prison or local jail. This is the highest rate of incarceration in US history and the highest rate of incarceration in the western world. F

What it Really Costs to Plead Guilty to DUI

CNBC ran an article recently concerning the true financial costs of a garden-variety DUI case. $20,000.00 was the estimate. From the article: “One drink too many puts you at risk for not only an arrest, but also for fees, fines and costs that c

Colleges Rejecting Kids with Convictions

There is an interesting article in the Los Angeles Times about how most of the top colleges in the United States are inquiring as to whether a student has ever had contact with the law or been disciplined at their high school. Apparently, these days

Help For Those Who Need It

If you have received a DUI in Kansas or DWI in Missouri you should at least consider whether the use of alcohol or other substances has become a problem in your life. Certainly, the fact that a person receives a DUI charge does not, in and of itself,

2 Frightening DUI Stories on the Same Day

Browsing the Kansas City Crime Scene Blog, as I do almost everyday, I saw 2 DUI stories on the same day that are all too common. The first story concerns a guy who was passed out in his car at about 4 p.m. When the officers aroused him, he was lethar

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