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Driving Under the Influence of … Music

Granted this is from England, but just when you think it can’t go much farther than it already has this story from overseas pops up. A 25 year old professional driver was stopped by police after driving “erratically”. They assumed he must be drunk or on drugs but he passed all of their tests. He eventually admitted to driving under the influence of “drum and bass” music. Even his own attorney gave a statement to the press, “It was stupid. He was carried away because of the intoxicating effects of drum and bass music,” said defense attorney David Miller. He went to court and got the charge pled down to reckless driving. But, really? You can get hauled in for driving under the influence of music? They took his driver’s license away for a year for this. If this had happened in Kansas they could rush to the legislature and get a law passed to outlaw drum and bass music in cars to avoid this in the future.

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