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The Kansas DUI Blog

DUI Cops Lying About Arrests for Money

Some Des Plaines, Illinois, police officers have been suspended and are facing further ramifications for lying about DUI arrests in order to get grant money. The story is here. The Des Plaines Police Department was awarded $116,190.00 in taxpayer m

Facebook Post Earns Teen An Arrest

An Oregon teenager went on Facebook shortly after a New Year’s Eve episode of self-described drunk driving and bragged about his hitting a couple of cars getting home. The police were made aware of the post and, with the clear confession by

Blowing Under Legal Limit is Not Good Enough

One of the hardest things for a human being to do is admit that he or she was wrong. A recent story from Eugene, Oregon is a classic example of that maxim: A young lady was pulled over for weaving out of her lane and speeding. According to the offic

Missouri v. McNeely

The United States Supreme Court will hear arguments this week in the case of Missouri v. McNeely and then decide whether to create another DUI exception to the US Constitution. The case will determine once and for all (maybe) whether the police have

Trooper of the Year Falsified Dozens of DUI Arrests

The New York Times reports that a Utah Highway Patrolwoman, Lisa Steed, has been fired and a lawsuit claims that she falsified dozens of DUI arrests in order to “burnish her credentials” with her superiors. The lawyers representing some o

2012 Kansas DUI Case Results

The following are some of the results we have obtained for clients in DUI cases in 2012. This list only includes DUI cases and not any of the results we have obtained in defending other types of cases. Also, this list only includes DUI cases that res

Arrested for DUI in Kansas – Now What?

Getting arrested for a DUI in Kansas is frightening and serious. That fear sometimes paralyzes people and leads them to make a bad decision like ignoring the situation. Fear can also be a great motivator, but that can also lead to poor decisions when

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