I blogged last year about the fact that, despite the increasing harshness of Kansas DUI laws over the past few years, Kansas had one of the highest increases in drunk driving related fatalities in the entire nation. I had been pondering whether we we
More and more I have seen prosecutors in Kansas DUI cases, and other criminal cases, going to a person’s Myspace or Facebook profiles to get dirt on them. Many young people have these pages which include pictures of them drinking (often underag
Here is another article that shows why. This driver was “weaving” and failed “field sobriety tests”, as is very common in Kansas DUI cases. Then, he blew .000 and took and passed a urine test. Oops! It still took a month to ge
Time magazine has a great article about teen drinking and how to best teach kids to be responsible with alcohol. The article seems to conclude that it is better for teenagers to get some exposure to alcohol in a supervised setting before they are 21
There was a large, front-page article in the Kansas City Star on July 5, 2008, which went into some depth about the ineffectiveness of DUI checklanes. The article noted that all metro KC checklanes averaged a DUI arrest rate of 1.6%. The article note
Another new Missouri DWI law that just passed lowers the legal limit for boating under the influence (BWI) to .08, which makes the limit the same for driving a vehicle under the influence. I don’t know if Kansas DUI laws have changed on this, b
Missouri DWI/DUI law has long provided for ignition interlock devices for persons convicted of a second or subsequent DWI. However, the enforcement of the interlock requirement was the responsibility of the courts and, frankly, it was spotty at best.