This article from Maryland is about a state legislator who was pulled over for a traffic infraction, smelled like alcohol and took a preliminary breath test that registered a .140, nearly twice the legal limit. After he flashed his legislative ID, th
Update: After this post, the law regarding mopeds was changed. The law as of now, June 2009, is that you can drive a moped if you are suspended pursuant to an administrative suspension but not if you are suspended as a result of a DUI criminal court
Well, I guess if we have to toot our own horn, this blog is the place to do it. Jay Norton was selected by attorneys from our area for SuperLawyers 2006. Our firm is featured in the November issue of Kansas City Magazine which has a special supplemen
I haven’t posted for quite awhile. This has probably been our law firm’s busiest year ever. So, that leaves little time for things like blogging. Plenty has been happening in our law firm and in the DUI news world. Our law firm was chosen
A recent decision by the Kansas Court of Appeals, not final yet, holds that the it is irrelevant whether the police had any reason to stop you when it comes to the hearing about your driver’s license. When a driver is accused of failing a breat
A friend sent me the following article about a young lady that went out and had one drink. A few hours later she was charged with manslaughter for killing another person with her vehicle. She received a sentence of 40 years in prison. The article is
A Missouri DUI Checkpoint in North Kansas City this past weekend netted a total of 2 DUI arrests out of 1,228 vehicles stopped. That is 1 out of every 614 drivers. Here is a link to the story: