Douglas County District Court / Judicial and Law Enforcement Center
111 East 11th Street
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
(785) 832-5256
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 12:00 pm; &
1:00 pm – 4:30 pm.
Criminal Cases in the District Court
The Douglas County District Court hears misdemeanor DUI, minor in possession (MIP), traffic and other criminal cases in which people were stopped or arrested by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department, the Kansas Highway Patrol, or certain Park Rangers or Kansas Fish and Wildlife officers in Douglas County. Felony DUI cases originating in the city of Lawrence or other cities in Douglas County are also heard in Douglas County District Court.
The District Court has six assigned divisions plus a pro tem division in which a pro tem judge presides over all criminal first appearances, juvenile offender appearances and traffic infractions, as well as child support modifications and small claims.
First appearances and misdemeanor arraignments are normally held in the Pro Tem Division at 3:00 p.m., Monday – Friday
The Court also uses a duty judge whose main function is to review probable cause for arrests, search warrant affidavits and arrest warrant affidavits. The duty judge also reviews all weekend warrantless arrests such as those made in a DWI incident.
DUI Diversions in Douglas County, Kansas
Misdemeanor and felony DUI cases are heard in District Court Divisions 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Diversion in Douglas County must be applied for early on in the process. To be considered for acceptance into a first-offense DUI diversion agreement, the District Attorney’s office must receive your application form along with a copy of your alcohol evaluation within 30 days of your first trial setting.
Appearing in Douglas County District Court
Misdemeanor DUI cases in Douglas County are usually called before the Court in the assigned division Mon. – Thurs. starting at 1:30 pm. Division 6 has a morning session that is called on Tuesdays at 9 am.
Felony DUI preliminary hearings are set in their assigned division as follows:
- Division 1 – Monday 2:00 – 3:30 pm
- Division 3 – Tuesday 2:00 – 3:30 pm
- Division 2 – Wednesday 2:00 – 3:30 *No-go prelims only
- Division 5 – Thursday 2:00 – 3:30 pm
- Division 6 – Tuesday 9:30 – 12:00 pm
A “no-go” preliminary hearing is just the Court’s way of delineating days when hearings will be scheduled versus the days when they are actually set. A “go” preliminary hearing means that an evidentiary hearing will actually be conducted and evidence heard by the court.
Individuals charged with any DUI matter are typically required to appear for each court date with their attorney.
Defendants should always be respectful in Court, address the judge as “your honor,” and wear clean and professional clothing. In all Court appearances, it is crucial that you leave and arrive early so that you appear in Court on time.
Douglas County Judicial District
Douglas County encompasses the city of Lawrence, Baldwin City, and Lecompton and Eudora. The District Court sees many cases originating from the largest metropolitan area and county seat of Lawrence.
The District Court of Douglas County is in the 7th Judicial District out of 31 Judicial Districts in Kansas.
KU’s main campus is located in the city of Lawrence, and the state’s oldest university, Baker University, is in Baldwin City. Cases that are investigated by the University of Kansas Police Department will generally be handled in the Lawrence Municipal Court, but felonies will be filed in Douglas County District Court. College students work hard to achieve their immediate academic goals so they can look forward to a lifetime of important achievements. Students should ensure they do not jeopardize their futures through alcohol or drug use; and they should take exceptional care not to drink and/or use drugs and drive.
City and County Government Information
Judicial and Law Enforcement Center website
Douglas County District Court Website
District Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts Street
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Contacts/Info for All District Court Divisions